Our Story

Some kids love reading fairy stories (well this kid as well actually) and some love learning facts. Well, some of the facts this kid loves are facts about animals and dinosaurs. And so, Animal Fun was born. It started as a way to entertain the oldies who we couldn’t hang out with. We know we have a dedicated listener-base of about six people and they all begin with Grand. . . well, one starts with Nana.

Lions mane jellyfish, carpet sharks, clown-fish and yellow-bellied sea snakes feature in our first few podcasts. Each last five minute (ish), mostly mum gets the facts wrong and the six year old gets to explain things like, ‘no mum, it’s a shark not a whale’. All the research is done by the six year old, but the mum gets to do the xylophone bit at the beginning. Happy listening!

The ‘Opening Tune’ xylophone

This story began when, for his birthday, the six year old’s ‘Dad’s Dad’ gave him a book token. Animal Fun is inspired by the book he chose, Little Kids First Big Book of the Ocean. We talk about lots of other books and write about them in our reading blog.

We want to give our listeners and readers fascinating facts that we got from books, some great new words and to share excitement about the amazing animals we have left on our planet (and the ones that went before).